It’s Only Natural

November 30, 2005

By request…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 9:29 pm

It’s a bit quiet around, too quiet. I’ve been a little off with the fairies recently, but then I’m gathering that most of my readers are also in the same cycle – it’s Christmas, who’d have guessed?!

So, I’m opening up my blog and calling it ‘By Request’.

My rules are simple. Let me know what you’d like me to talk about – current affairs, stories from my high school years, my biggest dreams. Whatever.

Of course, this could all fall flat on its face and I could look completely stupid. So be it. I need some stimulation and excitement in this blog.

Also, as a side note. Tomorrow morning, we should know whether the house is a goer – the building inspector is going through the house and giving us his ‘official’ opinion. Fingers crossed. I would guesstimate that Friday, we’ll be handing over a big fat bastard cheque!

November 25, 2005


Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:07 pm

It’s hot and it’s been a long day for me. Not a lot of work got done, but I managed to organise the solicitor and building inspector. It’s still very sureal for us, and because we can’t go back to revisit the place that easily (we can, but it requires a bit of a logistical nightmare), we kinda feel like 10 weeks is both a long time and not long at all.

Anyway, I have made available some photos of the house on my flickr page, which is attached to the right of this entry. However, I’m not overly keen to have just anyone viewing the photos, so I’ve had to make the decision to make the photos visible to friends and family. Having said that, please leave me a comment and I can email you the photos, or accept you as a friend/family person on flicker. Assuming you care enough 🙂

Now, Glen and I are planning on how to spend our money. We need a new clothesline, a front fence and paint for the garish loungeroom wall. Some of this stuff might be restricted by funds, but we’ll see what we can save. On top of this, we want a certain amount of money in the bank as a basic float of money, in case of emergency/for a rainy day.

Anyway, enough rambling about my house stuff. I am sure that I’ll be raving a fair bit about the house stuff, so if it’s boring you, please tune out, but don’t give me grief about how boring I am by making a comment. You were warned. 🙂

November 24, 2005

Emoh Ruo…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 1:17 pm
Crap. I posted a nice entry here, and for some reason, my mouse made me lose it. Go figure.

Emoh Ruo is a movie I saw as a kid. It is actually Our Home spelt backwards.

We bought a house today. The contracts will be finalised tonight. Pending building inspections etc, we’re cool to go 🙂

Now, I must go!

November 23, 2005

100th post…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 9:59 pm

Yes, this is my 100th posting. It doesn’t particularly feel auspicious, but I kinda feel like I have to acknowledge it.

Tonight, Glen and I submitted our offer on the house. Fingers crossed. Should hear back on Friday. We fully expect them to counter offer. Hopefully it’s close to what we want to pay.

Anyway, I’m really tired and haven’t had great sleep the last few nights, so I’m signing off and going byebyes.

November 21, 2005

Break out the champagne…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:46 pm

Today has been one of those days. Couldn’t get myself motivated to work, organised the agent for our appointment on Wednesday night to sign our offer for the house and got news back from the bank that we have received preapproval for our home LOAN!! Yay! Glen brought champagne home and we are sitting here like old people after two glasses, all dizzy and tired! Go figure! When I got the news this afternoon, I was bouncing for joy and then I realised the enormity – we’ll be in debt for the rest of our working life basically. But it’s not a bad thing, we’ll be able to own our own home. It’s a nest egg and it’s the stability I’ve been craving. When I spoke to the agent, we agreed on a February 4 settlement date, so fingers crossed. That’s ten weeks away! ARGH!!! When you put it like that, it seem so close 🙂

So, that’s been my day. Aside from that, today marked my first day without restriction on my motorcycle licence. Theoretically, I can go buy a 900cc motorbike, but I won’t! But it’s good to know, I guess.

Anyway, Wednesday night is D, er D-night. I’m hoping the negotiations don’t take too long. We’re serious about this property, but we won’t be paying more than it’s worth.

Incidentally, I’m not hexing it, so I won’t be uploading photos until the deed is done. I hope you understand.

Just on a final note, watching Glen play peak-a-boo with a 9-month old black labrador is a bit weird for me. What’s weirder is, she is enjoying it. Goofy dog.

Break out the champagne…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:46 pm

Today has been one of those days. Couldn’t get myself motivated to work, organised the agent for our appointment on Wednesday night to sign our offer for the house and got news back from the bank that we have received preapproval for our home LOAN!! Yay! Glen brought champagne home and we are sitting here like old people after two glasses, all dizzy and tired! Go figure! When I got the news this afternoon, I was bouncing for joy and then I realised the enormity – we’ll be in debt for the rest of our working life basically. But it’s not a bad thing, we’ll be able to own our own home. It’s a nest egg and it’s the stability I’ve been craving. When I spoke to the agent, we agreed on a February 4 settlement date, so fingers crossed. That’s ten weeks away! ARGH!!! When you put it like that, it seem so close 🙂

So, that’s been my day. Aside from that, today marked my first day without restriction on my motorcycle licence. Theoretically, I can go buy a 900cc motorbike, but I won’t! But it’s good to know, I guess.

Anyway, Wednesday night is D, er D-night. I’m hoping the negotiations don’t take too long. We’re serious about this property, but we won’t be paying more than it’s worth.

Incidentally, I’m not hexing it, so I won’t be uploading photos until the deed is done. I hope you understand.

Just on a final note, watching Glen play peak-a-boo with a 9-month old black labrador is a bit weird for me. What’s weirder is, she is enjoying it. Goofy dog.

November 19, 2005


Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 8:39 pm

I’ve been meaning to update for a while now, but this week has been so weird and unusual.

I’ll try to recap in order. Sunday night, Glen and I saw our friend Damien and organised our loan preapproval for our house. It was faxed on Monday morning to the bank. It was a little bit of a late night because of it, so I figured my sickness the next day was nothing too weird. I had a raging headache and felt like I was going to run into walls. But, I really didn’t feel as bad as you would feel, if you had a middle ear infection. But I stayed home and slept til midday and then slothed around for the rest of the day. I still didn’t feel fabulous, but the headache was subsiding. It was weird, because every time I stopped moving, particularly laid down in bed, I felt the headache bounce back immediately. I realised I had been feeling like this since the week before and I remembered that I felt dizzy and weird since Thursday night. I remember that night, the room was spinning when I went to bed. However, I’d had a really long week at work, working long hours, so I didn’t think much of it. Plus, I had the Friday off, so I had time to sleep in and relax.

Anyway, when I woke up Tuesday morning and the room was spinning still and I still had my headache, I made an appointment with the doctor and struggled to work. I had to book in with a different doctor. She was nice and kooky, in an ecentric sort of way. She surmised that I had a sinus infection. Then she checked my ears and said to me that no wonder I couldn’t hear, because my ears were blocked. I looked at her weirdly and said, “I can hear, I never said I couldn’t hear?!”. She looked at me strangely and said that my ears were so infected that I shouldn’t be able to hear and I should be in screaming paid. Funny thing is, I had absolutely no pain in my ears. Anyway, I’ve got an middle ear and sinus infection, all at once. So, I have some kick ass antibiotics! Woo! It’s Saturday now and I’m starting to feel better.

The rest of week was a blur. Wednesday night, I was privileged to see my friend Margie become an Australian. Margie has been living in Australia with her partner for about seven years, so it’s about bloody time! Anyways, I have about 2-3 photos on my flicker page, so go peer. The one thing I noticed about the swearing in ceremony is that there were a lot of different cultures and a lot of people from different countries, who wanted to become Australians. It was really fabulous to see the pride and emotion that came from these people, to see whole families pump their fists in the air, once they received their citizenship.

The rest of the week was fairly busy, with my manager down from BrisVegas for a couple of days for my performance review – I completed my three months with my new job a couple of weeks ago and I have been given a very positive review, even exceeding expectation in some areas. Yay!

Now, onto the highlight of my week – if it’s possible!! Today, Glen and I saw two houses that we were interested in. We had seen one twice before and were umming and ahhing about it. The second one, we had seen a long time ago, when the price was out of our field and we didn’t really like it too much – I think we had high expectations of the house we would buy! So, today we went back into this second house and liked what we saw, so much so, that we’ll be making an offer on it on Monday. It’s already in our price range, but we’re going to try and cut the price down a little more. We will need to replace the kitchen at some point and probably put up a front fence on it, so will be hoping to cut the price because of this. Otherwise, the house is quite nice and cosy. Both Glen and I can see ourselves living there. So, stay tuned, as we’re hoping to have some positive news later in the week 🙂

Alright. Time to go. Have a great week everyone 🙂


Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 8:39 pm

I’ve been meaning to update for a while now, but this week has been so weird and unusual.

I’ll try to recap in order. Sunday night, Glen and I saw our friend Damien and organised our loan preapproval for our house. It was faxed on Monday morning to the bank. It was a little bit of a late night because of it, so I figured my sickness the next day was nothing too weird. I had a raging headache and felt like I was going to run into walls. But, I really didn’t feel as bad as you would feel, if you had a middle ear infection. But I stayed home and slept til midday and then slothed around for the rest of the day. I still didn’t feel fabulous, but the headache was subsiding. It was weird, because every time I stopped moving, particularly laid down in bed, I felt the headache bounce back immediately. I realised I had been feeling like this since the week before and I remembered that I felt dizzy and weird since Thursday night. I remember that night, the room was spinning when I went to bed. However, I’d had a really long week at work, working long hours, so I didn’t think much of it. Plus, I had the Friday off, so I had time to sleep in and relax.

Anyway, when I woke up Tuesday morning and the room was spinning still and I still had my headache, I made an appointment with the doctor and struggled to work. I had to book in with a different doctor. She was nice and kooky, in an ecentric sort of way. She surmised that I had a sinus infection. Then she checked my ears and said to me that no wonder I couldn’t hear, because my ears were blocked. I looked at her weirdly and said, “I can hear, I never said I couldn’t hear?!”. She looked at me strangely and said that my ears were so infected that I shouldn’t be able to hear and I should be in screaming paid. Funny thing is, I had absolutely no pain in my ears. Anyway, I’ve got an middle ear and sinus infection, all at once. So, I have some kick ass antibiotics! Woo! It’s Saturday now and I’m starting to feel better.

The rest of week was a blur. Wednesday night, I was privileged to see my friend Margie become an Australian. Margie has been living in Australia with her partner for about seven years, so it’s about bloody time! Anyways, I have about 2-3 photos on my flicker page, so go peer. The one thing I noticed about the swearing in ceremony is that there were a lot of different cultures and a lot of people from different countries, who wanted to become Australians. It was really fabulous to see the pride and emotion that came from these people, to see whole families pump their fists in the air, once they received their citizenship.

The rest of the week was fairly busy, with my manager down from BrisVegas for a couple of days for my performance review – I completed my three months with my new job a couple of weeks ago and I have been given a very positive review, even exceeding expectation in some areas. Yay!

Now, onto the highlight of my week – if it’s possible!! Today, Glen and I saw two houses that we were interested in. We had seen one twice before and were umming and ahhing about it. The second one, we had seen a long time ago, when the price was out of our field and we didn’t really like it too much – I think we had high expectations of the house we would buy! So, today we went back into this second house and liked what we saw, so much so, that we’ll be making an offer on it on Monday. It’s already in our price range, but we’re going to try and cut the price down a little more. We will need to replace the kitchen at some point and probably put up a front fence on it, so will be hoping to cut the price because of this. Otherwise, the house is quite nice and cosy. Both Glen and I can see ourselves living there. So, stay tuned, as we’re hoping to have some positive news later in the week 🙂

Alright. Time to go. Have a great week everyone 🙂

November 12, 2005

On the road again…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:55 pm

Glen and I began our new existence today – living in our car. We’re back out on the road again, looking at houses and trying to find one which is cheap enough for us to afford, yet clean and in good enough condition to warrant the money we spend on it.

We found a couple of houses we liked – one is going to auction and possibly going too high for us to afford, but we’ve decided to go just in case. The other was slightly higher too, but we found out today that they dropped the price by $10K, which is about $9K over what we can afford. Fingers crossed.

I have to say, I am going to lose my cool if we can’t find a place soon. I know, we only officially started today, but honestly, it’s so heartbreaking sometimes to go from one house to the other and discover that what your money can afford, is shit!

Tomorrow night, we organise our preapproval. I’m hoping it goes smoothly, so that we can be up and running next weekend. Ideally, we’d like to put an offer in on one of the houses we saw today.

I tell ya, people can get a bit catty when there is competition for the house they consider to already be theirs!! *laugh* I was like tha today too, because there were about 7 other people moving through one of the houses. Although, by the time we got through the house and other the other side, we kinda weren’t that interested.

So, I guess this is our life for the next month or more. I sincerely hope it takes less time than that. I have to be realistic, but you know, one can’t help but dream. It’s just an series of ups and downs. I hate seeing a house which looks promising, but has a sloped/holey roof, or bad neighbours, or crusty kitchens, or holey carpets. There’s always something that drags it down and yeh sure, we’ll accept some dreariness, but sometimes you feel like you’d be wasting your money.

Anyway, in other news. We just came off a hugely busy week at work, lots of long hours. Thank god it is over, but I have to say, we’re back at it on Monday – it’ll be deadlines all over again until mid December. It’s a bit daunting, but I guess it just makes the time go faster. Plus, I have to juggle the house hunting stuff.

Sorry there’s no insightful, deep entries this time. i dont think I have it in me. I’ve been writing all week, proofing and now, house hunting. I suppose I’m just exhausted. I just wanted everyone to know I wasnt dead and I am around somewhere. If I have something to say, I’ll be around 🙂

Finally, before I go, let me ask, Has anyone been watching 30 Days on TV? I have to say, I’m quite impressed. Thought provoking. Just finished watching a straight laced, country christian boy who spent 30 days with a gay guy from the Castro in San Francisco. I have to say, the feel of the Castro made me want to live there. It just had that feel about it.

Anyway, time to play with my ipod – I am overhauling the bastard thing, it’s been a nightmare.

On the road again…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:55 pm

Glen and I began our new existence today – living in our car. We’re back out on the road again, looking at houses and trying to find one which is cheap enough for us to afford, yet clean and in good enough condition to warrant the money we spend on it.

We found a couple of houses we liked – one is going to auction and possibly going too high for us to afford, but we’ve decided to go just in case. The other was slightly higher too, but we found out today that they dropped the price by $10K, which is about $9K over what we can afford. Fingers crossed.

I have to say, I am going to lose my cool if we can’t find a place soon. I know, we only officially started today, but honestly, it’s so heartbreaking sometimes to go from one house to the other and discover that what your money can afford, is shit!

Tomorrow night, we organise our preapproval. I’m hoping it goes smoothly, so that we can be up and running next weekend. Ideally, we’d like to put an offer in on one of the houses we saw today.

I tell ya, people can get a bit catty when there is competition for the house they consider to already be theirs!! *laugh* I was like tha today too, because there were about 7 other people moving through one of the houses. Although, by the time we got through the house and other the other side, we kinda weren’t that interested.

So, I guess this is our life for the next month or more. I sincerely hope it takes less time than that. I have to be realistic, but you know, one can’t help but dream. It’s just an series of ups and downs. I hate seeing a house which looks promising, but has a sloped/holey roof, or bad neighbours, or crusty kitchens, or holey carpets. There’s always something that drags it down and yeh sure, we’ll accept some dreariness, but sometimes you feel like you’d be wasting your money.

Anyway, in other news. We just came off a hugely busy week at work, lots of long hours. Thank god it is over, but I have to say, we’re back at it on Monday – it’ll be deadlines all over again until mid December. It’s a bit daunting, but I guess it just makes the time go faster. Plus, I have to juggle the house hunting stuff.

Sorry there’s no insightful, deep entries this time. i dont think I have it in me. I’ve been writing all week, proofing and now, house hunting. I suppose I’m just exhausted. I just wanted everyone to know I wasnt dead and I am around somewhere. If I have something to say, I’ll be around 🙂

Finally, before I go, let me ask, Has anyone been watching 30 Days on TV? I have to say, I’m quite impressed. Thought provoking. Just finished watching a straight laced, country christian boy who spent 30 days with a gay guy from the Castro in San Francisco. I have to say, the feel of the Castro made me want to live there. It just had that feel about it.

Anyway, time to play with my ipod – I am overhauling the bastard thing, it’s been a nightmare.

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