It’s Only Natural

June 18, 2007

We’re all okay

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Highs and Lows,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 1:13 pm

In light of this event, I kinda felt compelled to post something here to let everyone know in blogland that I am okay and everyone I know, including Glen is fine.

My building is a couple of blocks away, but still close enough to send shivers down your spine.

It’s a pretty scary situation and most of the buildings in the CBD are in lockdown. The man responsible for this crime would be well and truly out of the city, I would expect. Having said that, I am still in two minds about going outside to do some shopping.

Hopefully they catch him. One is already dead. May he rest in peace for trying to assist someone else who needed him. You don’t see that sort of selfless act often in a city.

May 29, 2007

Yo, keepin’ it real…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Highs and Lows,Life,Rant,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 9:30 pm

I’ve been with Glen for about six years. That’s a fairly long time. That’s long enough to really know that person and to have routine, to exist together. There’s really no surprises at this point of the relationship, so you feel comfortable and relaxed.

This should be the case for inlaws and inherited relatives. Alas, it is not. They don’t have a clue who I really am and they don’t know my tastes in things. This results in birthday and Christmases being very disappointing and demoralising.

I’m continually starring in a recuring role on Pleasantville. We all know the movie. It’s set in picture-perfect-nobody-has-any-real-problems land. We’re all pleasant and polite. No one has a mean thing to say about the other and we put on a persona when in the presence of such company.

This is hard for me. I consider myself to be a very real person. To say it like it is. I wasn’t blessed with the gene of subtly. I don’t know what that word means. I grew up in a very relaxed family which consisted of me and my mother. The lines of parent and child were blurred to become friends and accomplices in life. It was how it had to be. The tap needed fixing, we were both there fixing it. Dinner had to be made, we were both there peeling the potatoes and cleaning up. Ironing and washing had to be done, we both endured it.

More to the point, if there were issues, she told me off and I had my say (to a small point). We sorted it out. We kept it real.

Suddenly, I am thrust into another world where such relationships were never formed. Where affection towards each other wasn’t as paramount as it was in my family. That is not to say it wasn’t there, because I am sure it was. But the degree to which you say I love you etc is not as present. In this new world, people do not say what they think, they keep it to themselves. If you have an opinion that others do not concur with and the situation presses enough buttons, you are told to shut up – like a small child that you were 20 years ago.

I don’t want to disparage this family, because for all the things I whinge about, the produced the man I am spending the rest of my life with. The man who has so much love to give, there is never enough time to receive it. He is perfect, despite the issues that surround us today.

Having said that, it has been refreshing for my partner and his sister to get an ‘outsider’s’ take on the situation. To give an objective appraisal of the situation. To say that for others, this is not a normal family dynamic. People do talk back, they do express discontent and annoyance to each other and the lines of parent/child become blurred as the child becomes an adult and the parent just becomes another adult. Children at the age of almost 40 are not told to ‘do be quiet’ as they were when they were 10. They aren’t silenced because the parent has ordered it. The dynamics are supposed to changed. We are allowed to question our parents. It’s ok.

So, this family dynamic has become a bit of an issue for me and for my partner and his sister. It’s been a stressful week and I feel as if there is great expectations placed on me to sort it out, to bite the bullet.

Life is so much simpler when you pretend in your everyday life that no one but you and your partner exist. It is very selfish, but less complicated.

May 1, 2007

This sick feeling in the pit of my stomach

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Rant,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 8:36 pm

I read this news article today and I have been forever scarred. I just can’t help but feel that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It upsets me so much. Words fail me.

All I can ask is what type of person does it take to do something like this? What sort of person do they live to be? How do they live with themselves? Do they think about it? Do they feel regret? Do they realise?

I’m too disturbed to say anything else. Truly, I could cry.

January 2, 2007

Holy Folks Mary!

Filed under: Life,Life's Oddities,Sharing the Love,Stupendous,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 7:16 pm

Holy Folks Mary!

Originally uploaded by Sams76.

I was in Kmart today with mum looking for some toys for Sonnet’s kids when I saw this.

If you can’t see the small writing on the front, it says “Your Play and Pray Pal”. Scary, huh?

What’s scarier is that there’s a Noah!

December 11, 2006

Protected: Crap

Filed under: Health,Highs and Lows,Life,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 3:32 pm

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November 11, 2006

The five people you meet in…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Life's Oddities,Rant,scooter,Skeevy,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 11:19 pm

…the train.

I swear, the scooter cannot come home with me a moment too soon. I have been riding a scooter for the past three years. I have ridden the train probably no more than 10 times during that time.

During the last month (it feels like longer!) I have witness the following:


This breed is odd. They are either aloof, or you can’t shut them up and they hold the entire carriage to ransom. The noisy ones scream at the top of their lungs, create a scene and when they alight from the train, the entire carriage breathes a discernable sigh of relief.

The other day I walked to the platform in the city to wait for my train when I witness four girls. Two were quite chubby and the other two seemed reasonably small and sedate. When I witnessed the two chubby girls initially, they were hugging, as friends can sometimes do. When I looked up again from my book (still waiting for the train) they were kissing. and this wasn’t normal, romantic kissing. This was exhibition, sucking face like there was no tomorrow. It was quite disgusting. You see, normally I would find lesbians to be perfectly acceptable, and I find it sweet and romantic to witness their intimacy. This was not intimate or nice to watch. It was revolting. It looked unnatural and in hindsight, it looked like to try-hard, socialising unacceptable teenage girls trying very hard to find the intimacy they craved from the world, in each other. Do you know what I am talking about? It looked desperate and sad. Halfway through the journey, they were separated – of course, with a huge fanfare.

Bike Riders

I particularly hate this breed. The type who get onto peak hour, jammed packed trains and sprawl their bike everywhere, blocking exits, seats and prime standing room. This shits me and to me, defeats the purpose of having a bike if they are riding the trains! Does anyone else find this particularly irritating?

Inconsiderate Prats

The ones who are only out for themselves, who lean against the poles in the train so they can read their precious books, whilst others around them stumble and almost fall because they arent able to hold onto the poles. This shits me. You can fit at least three people to a pole, whereas one person will lean against it and deny the rest a chance to be comfortable. I love many elements of the city, but I dont love the anonymity and rudeness it affords people. The ones who barge their way out of the train without first letting you go through. The ones who push past you at the ticket validating machine so they can get the curb 5 seconds before you. And the ones who bash past you with their bags to walk through the train. I saw one of those this week. Admittedly, the guy deserved it, but the woman had this superior look about her which screamed “Prahran/Toorak” about her. Those from Melbourne and surrounds will know what I mean.


Friday afternoon, I was happily reading my book (whose author I forget) when this young couple in their late teens or early 20s came on board and stood beside me. They were fine at first, kissing and cuddling at first until halfway through the ride, they got a bit hot and heavy. First, it was her groping her crotch, then it was him kissing her cleavage – and believe me, she was wearing a top which left NOTHING to the imagination! Any lower cut and she would have been falling out of her shirt! Upon leaving the train, I left them in their most revealing position – she was sitting on him, rubbing herself on him. It was soft pron at its best.

Offensive body odours and manners

Those who sniff, snot and drip their way through the train ride without so much as a sleeve to wipe their mucous encrusted noses! Those who cough, splutter and hurk their phlegm without any consideration to the rest of us who can’t block out their grotesque habits, no matter how loud they pump their ipods! The ones who smell like an athlete’s crotch and gym socks, all at once before it hits 9am. And the ones who yawn without consideration to the rest of the population who must inhale their disgusting morning breath!

RIP Belinda Emmett

Filed under: Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 2:25 am

This is is so sad.

November 8, 2006

Protected: Holding my breath

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Life Lessons,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 8:37 am

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October 11, 2006

The end of an era

Scooter for Sale
Originally uploaded by Sams76.

Today was a pretty sad day for me. I took a sizable deposit for the purchase of my beloved scooter. The new owner was pretty in love with it, so I feel ok about letting it go home with her in a few days. You might scoff to hear me say ‘beloved’, as I’ve spent the last few months cursing the bloody thing. It’s starting to show its age and doesn’t get me out of those tight situations like I want it to. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s hauling my lard arse around constantly. Noooo!

Anyway, it’s all good. I’ll have to resign myself to the fact that I’ll be spending at least the next three months schlepping it with the rest of the commuting population and catching the stinky train. Might I add that the primary reason I bought the scooter back in 2004 was because I was sick of the trains, so I am certain that I’ll save ultra fast for a new one!

It’s pretty sad for me. The scoot represented a certain degree of freedom and confidence that I hadn’t had in years. I highly recommend the experience to anyone whose self worth and confidence are at rock bottom, or close to. It’s very liberating to pull on the throttle and hurtle along at break-neck speeds, with the breeze in your face and your tongue lolling around like a drug-induced Labrador in the back of the family car! You get about so much quicker than the rest of the commuting population and you pay an offensive small amount of money in fuel each week. It’s just sweet.

You do have to put up with morons on the road who believe you don’t deserve an entire lane to yourself, or that you aren’t travelling fast enough. And then there are the fools who like to tailgate and intimidate smaller scoots, such as mine. Which is exactly why I’m getting a kickass 400cc after Christmas. No one will mess with this biker chick!

The upside to train travel – not many, but the fact that you get to catch up on some good book reading, which I haven’t done in God knows when. And, listening to your Ipod with real headphones! Amazing concept. I won’t have to worry about changing out of stinky bike gear, messing up my perfectly coifed hair or sweltering under the helmet, jacket and gloves every summer! And mostly, I won’t have to bitch and moan about my numb or sore arse. Yes readers, you get a terribly numb bum from riding my scooter. Admittedly, it was not built for long distance commuting, but that metal bar under the rider’s seat is a real bitch. Highly unrecommended!

And most of all, I’ll miss that little hopeful face at the driveway gate every afternoon, with that knowing and expectant look on her little black face, as she hears me buzzing up the street on my little 150cc scoot. Clio has fabulous ears and can tell whether it’s me or Glen coming home and has already plonked herself in her usual position, waiting for us to appear up the driveway. I’ll miss that.

September 4, 2006

RIP Steve Irwin…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 10:23 pm

Today has been one of those days.

An Australian icon: love him or hate him, Steve Irwin put Australia on the map.

He will be sadly missed.

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