It’s Only Natural

November 29, 2006


Filed under: Bah Humbug,Future,Highs and Lows — by sammers @ 9:06 pm

Life’s a bit up in the air right now. I haven’t felt much like blogging. I just can’t force myself, so I am not going to.

I’m sure I’ll start blogging again at some point. Maybe in a couple of weeks. I’m really not sure. I may even get my shit together and merge this blog and my other blog. Suffice to say, I’ll be back, just check back every now and again. Hopefully, I’ll stop feeling like I’m in a funk, like I’m in a haze or cloud and maybe I won’t feel so left-behind.

Mostly, everything is ok. Don’t be too alarmed. Just can’t be bothered too much. Everything is fine. Glen and I are perfectly fine. Life is just a bit blah, it’s changing too much and part of it depresses me.

Stay tuned.


Filed under: Bah Humbug,Future,Life — by sammers @ 8:54 pm

Life’s a bit up in the air right now. I haven’t felt much like blogging. I just can’t force myself, so I am not going to.

I’m sure I’ll start blogging again at some point. Maybe in a couple of weeks. I’m really not sure. I may even get my shit together and merge this blog and my other blog. Suffice to say, I’ll be back, just check back every now and again. Hopefully, I’ll stop feeling like I’m in a funk, like I’m in a haze or cloud and maybe I won’t feel so left-behind.

Mostly, everything is ok. Don’t be too alarmed. Just can’t be bothered too much. Everything is fine. Glen and I are perfectly fine. Life is just a bit blah, it’s changing too much and part of it depresses me.

Stay tuned.

November 20, 2006

New Scoot1

Filed under: scooter,Sharing the Love — by sammers @ 8:24 pm

New Scoot1

Originally uploaded by Sams76.

This is my new toy.

November 19, 2006

No time to talk!

Filed under: Dance of Joy,scooter — by sammers @ 8:35 pm

The last few days have been a tad busy, and as I sit here, I realise I have things to do, so I will keep this brief.

I’ve got my period. That’s why I’ve had a headache for the last week or so. I can say that, because I know who is reading. Most of you would understand this. My periods seem to be getting worse, more painful etc. It’s disturbing. I need to lose this weight and see if it makes a difference.

I got my scooter on Saturday morning and I love it! It’s large though, but I’ll get used to it. Can’t believe I finally have my dream bike. And yes, I will post photos eventually, i just havent had much chance to. I’ve been having some issues with the helmet and if there is anyone who can comment on this, or email me, please do. It’s giving me headaches, literally. It smooshes my cheeks in and makes me all squinty-eyed. It’s pushing on my jaw, which is then giving me a headache via my neck. It sucks completely. I am wondering whether it’s the wrong sized helmet. It’s a KBC. Hrm. Any thoughts?

We went Christmas shopping today. It completely suck. Can you imagine how difficult it is to buy for people who you dont really know? We were trying to buy for Glen’s family and since we dont see them a hell of a lot, it’s a really pain in the arse. We saw plenty of things that Glen and I would have loved to receive!

Alrght. Gotta get some stuff done. might be a tad quiet this week, as I have a few deadlines at work.

November 13, 2006

Frailties of Life

Filed under: Life Lessons,Sharing the Love — by sammers @ 8:24 pm

Any of us Aussies would have been touched by the tragedy that was Belinda Emmett’s passing. For those who don’t know her, she was a famous tv star in the 90s on tv shows like Home and A*way and All Sa*ints. She was the blonde girl next door.  Her story is simple. She found a lump when she was 21, she ignored it until she was 24. At that time, it was diagnosed as malignant and she began her journey through operation after operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She came out the other end in remission until a few years later when she was diagnosed with secondary bone cancer in her spine. She fought and remained positive. She found love and lived her life to the full. And of course, her life ended on Saturday morning.

I guess my point is that her passing, although not unexpected – eventually, did strike a cord in my life. To be honest, I have become a little obsessed about it and a little more than afraid of breast cancer.  It’s not to say that I wasn’t afraid of it before, but it has obviously brought it to the surface. It’s not a nice thought, but instead of taking charge and examining myself, I choose to hide and once every two years, I allow myself to succumb to a papsmear and breast exam from the doctor.

I am supremely slack and a big fact chicken. I may pay for being a wuss if I don’t take responsibility for my life.

When I was about 15, my mother found a lump. I remember walking to school in shock after she had told me that morning. It scared me, but it was only on the surface, for I successfully told myself that all would be ok.

But what if it hadn’t been? What if I had gone home that afternoon and been told her lump was malignant?

Luckily I don’t have to worry about that, because Mum’s lump was just fatty tissue and all is well for her.

If you are a female reading this, please don’t be afraid to check, or have someone check for you. I’m going to make a commitment to myself and to Glen – because me being alive matters a lot to him, to check myself each month. And in this blog, if I can remember, I shall remind you all each month, which I suppose is a bit naff, but tell me that when you or someone you know, saves themselves a bunch of crap to deal with.

Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. — Gandhi

On the street where you live…

Filed under: Highs and Lows,Life's Oddities — by sammers @ 8:08 pm

The highlight of my day?

Seeing a perfectly innocuous old homeless man stumble up to a Give Way sign, lean against it and ask, “How you doing?! Are you alright there?”

The lowlight of my day?

Stupid fucking bank (NA*B) call me on the weekend and leave a message asking me to call them back. Assuming it was regarding the refinancing of our loan, I called this morning. It was their collections unit wondering why we hadn’t paid $150 on our loan. I told them if they had paid as much attention to the outstanding balance as they could to my credit history and the fact that we have always been ahead on our loan, then they wouldn’t be calling! She challenged me and I told her she was offensive and had she bothered to look at our records, we were being stuffed around by the bank in refinancing and I wasn’t sure whether I should put another repayment on the loan.

I hung up on her.

November 11, 2006

The five people you meet in…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Life's Oddities,Rant,scooter,Skeevy,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 11:19 pm

…the train.

I swear, the scooter cannot come home with me a moment too soon. I have been riding a scooter for the past three years. I have ridden the train probably no more than 10 times during that time.

During the last month (it feels like longer!) I have witness the following:


This breed is odd. They are either aloof, or you can’t shut them up and they hold the entire carriage to ransom. The noisy ones scream at the top of their lungs, create a scene and when they alight from the train, the entire carriage breathes a discernable sigh of relief.

The other day I walked to the platform in the city to wait for my train when I witness four girls. Two were quite chubby and the other two seemed reasonably small and sedate. When I witnessed the two chubby girls initially, they were hugging, as friends can sometimes do. When I looked up again from my book (still waiting for the train) they were kissing. and this wasn’t normal, romantic kissing. This was exhibition, sucking face like there was no tomorrow. It was quite disgusting. You see, normally I would find lesbians to be perfectly acceptable, and I find it sweet and romantic to witness their intimacy. This was not intimate or nice to watch. It was revolting. It looked unnatural and in hindsight, it looked like to try-hard, socialising unacceptable teenage girls trying very hard to find the intimacy they craved from the world, in each other. Do you know what I am talking about? It looked desperate and sad. Halfway through the journey, they were separated – of course, with a huge fanfare.

Bike Riders

I particularly hate this breed. The type who get onto peak hour, jammed packed trains and sprawl their bike everywhere, blocking exits, seats and prime standing room. This shits me and to me, defeats the purpose of having a bike if they are riding the trains! Does anyone else find this particularly irritating?

Inconsiderate Prats

The ones who are only out for themselves, who lean against the poles in the train so they can read their precious books, whilst others around them stumble and almost fall because they arent able to hold onto the poles. This shits me. You can fit at least three people to a pole, whereas one person will lean against it and deny the rest a chance to be comfortable. I love many elements of the city, but I dont love the anonymity and rudeness it affords people. The ones who barge their way out of the train without first letting you go through. The ones who push past you at the ticket validating machine so they can get the curb 5 seconds before you. And the ones who bash past you with their bags to walk through the train. I saw one of those this week. Admittedly, the guy deserved it, but the woman had this superior look about her which screamed “Prahran/Toorak” about her. Those from Melbourne and surrounds will know what I mean.


Friday afternoon, I was happily reading my book (whose author I forget) when this young couple in their late teens or early 20s came on board and stood beside me. They were fine at first, kissing and cuddling at first until halfway through the ride, they got a bit hot and heavy. First, it was her groping her crotch, then it was him kissing her cleavage – and believe me, she was wearing a top which left NOTHING to the imagination! Any lower cut and she would have been falling out of her shirt! Upon leaving the train, I left them in their most revealing position – she was sitting on him, rubbing herself on him. It was soft pron at its best.

Offensive body odours and manners

Those who sniff, snot and drip their way through the train ride without so much as a sleeve to wipe their mucous encrusted noses! Those who cough, splutter and hurk their phlegm without any consideration to the rest of us who can’t block out their grotesque habits, no matter how loud they pump their ipods! The ones who smell like an athlete’s crotch and gym socks, all at once before it hits 9am. And the ones who yawn without consideration to the rest of the population who must inhale their disgusting morning breath!

We’re going ridin’ on the freeway…

Filed under: Dance of Joy,scooter — by sammers @ 9:05 pm

on a Candy Sonoma Red scooter!

Next weekend, I pick up my little scooter 🙂 Hee hee 🙂 Can’t wait!!

RIP Belinda Emmett

Filed under: Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 2:25 am

This is is so sad.

November 9, 2006

Life’s Lessons

Filed under: Blogroll,Life Lessons — by sammers @ 9:27 am

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to
ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably
more than once, and it’s harder every time. You’ll break hearts too, so
remember how it felt when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best
friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did.

You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose
someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like
you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a
minute of happiness you’ll never get back.

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when
you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the
world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his
friends. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he
cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns
to his friends and says, “that’s her…”

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