It’s Only Natural

September 27, 2006

Bah Humbug…

Filed under: Renovation — by sammers @ 9:13 pm

Sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve either been busy or sick, or both. The weekend has kinda come and gone, and am pleased to say that Glen and I got a lot done around the place.

We had a curbside collection this week, so got into the garage and cleared out all the junk. We filled the curb with kitchen cupboard doors, bits of crap wood, some old exercise equipment, dodgy suitcases and various other crap. It was very cleansing and what resulted was a garage which no longer barely fit two motorbikes in it but can also fit a car in it, with ease.

On a completely unrelated topic. Melbourne had gale-force winds last week and over the weekend. Whilst out driving, our car was hit by a random rubber tyre (yeh, wtf?) and then a poor galah, battling to maintain control of his flight path, smashed straight into the side of our car. It was terrible. The poor thing died instantly.

Sprinkled through my weekend and the last few days have been the odd migraine, sore back and cracking floor boards. Yes, floor boards – they are cracking – big fat cracks right through them. Very unsettling, but am told it’s fairly benign.

Anyway, this is a boring post. Sorry to click the publish button, but it saves discarding it. Bah humbug.

I kneed a hero…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Health,Rant — by sammers @ 8:58 pm

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a clicky right knee. It’s just who I was, you know? Anyway, I had noticed a lot that it would get very swollen, bruised and sore after tennis and it has been taking a long time to heal. Anyway, I have begun seeing a personal trainer and he noticed that I wasn’t pulling up from training as best I could. He recommended I see a specialist about my knee, which I did on Friday.

The conversation kinda went like this:
Doc: “You’ve got fatty knees, so I probably won’t be able to make an accurate diagnosis.”
Me: “Thanks for making me feel this big!”
Doc: “Take your jeans off so I can feel your fatty knees”.
Me: “No problem. Do you want me to bend over too and take it for the team?”
Doc: “You have wobbly knee caps and they are unusually small”
Me: “Great. So I have teenager knee caps!”
Doc: “Have you dislocated them a lot? I imagine you would have?!”
Me: “What? No! Don’t touch them then!” as doctor reefs my knees to and fro.
Doc: “I’ll try not to dislocate them” (in an uncertain tone)
Me: “Don’t touch my knees!”
Doc: “Ok!”

The crux of it, is this:

I have dodgy, wobbly knees. They are too small, don’t sit properly in their allotted place. They dislocate easily – in hindsight, I’ve often dislocated them without realising it was dislocating. I hyper-extend my knees, which I knew, but this places extra pressure on the ligaments around my knee cap. I am overweight, which obviously puts pressure on my knees. If I don’t do something about it, I’m a candidate for knee replacement or whatever it is they do.

It’s a bit scary and ever since, I have been accutely aware of them dislocating – they do it a lot. I’ve also told my mother about it and discovered that I have inherited it from her and in turn, she learnt what her knees were doing when they felt uncomfortable and she had to click them into place.

I kinda feel like a walking disaster. Honestly, I sound like a freaken hyperchondriac when I list off my ailments. It shits me.

September 19, 2006

Final Countdown…

Filed under: Future,Health — by sammers @ 10:20 pm

I have been shit at updating my other blog – It’s My Final Countdown. And, as such, it’s quite defunct. It’s impossible for me to update this site and that site. My life is just a bit too full for me to bother, plus there are things I am foresaking, so it’s best I stick with this one and be done with it.

I had my first personal training session today. The good part is, I like my trainer. He’s nice, he’s shorter, which is just not right, but he’s very mindful of all my little idiosyncracies, which is nice. It was quite amusing actually; he asked me what issues I had, so I sat there and said, “Um, I’ve got a dodgy knee from an old tennis injury back at uni when I tore the muscle and I tore two of the three ligaments in my ankle last year.” He noted all of this done an started to talk about the training regime when I interrupted him, “Hang on, I’m not done!” He blinked. I said, “I have muscle compartment syndrome in my legs, I have some back issues, migraines and neck/back tension/muscle spasms, plus there’s a family history of blood clots.” I stopped. He blinked and then got his stylus out (yes, he was using a PDA!) and he started scribbling. I sat there, wondering whether I sounded more like an hypochondriac, than someone who was merely well-informed about her health? He became educated, “What other issues do you have?” I blinked and said, “Isn’t that enough?” We laughed. Very amusing.

We had a good session. It was kinda like a complimentary session, a getting to know you session. I got to know my muscles. Quite well. I also got a lovely headache. I still have that headache. I am about to go have a shower with some nice hot water. I have a feeling this headache is gonna be one of those, so I need to treat it with everything I’ve got 😦

Btw, it’s raining outside. Check the radar for Melbourne. It’s awesome. I love it. I hate riding in it.

September 11, 2006


Filed under: Highs and Lows,Life,Life Lessons — by sammers @ 9:47 pm

To everyone touched by 9/11, we still remember tonight.

I still remember five years ago, not being able to sleep, so I got up and sat out in the loungeroom with Glen and watched the news. Shortly after, the news broadcast footage showed the first tower on fire, speculation rife over what happened. Newscasters saying a small plane might have hit the building, or perhaps a bomb in the building. As we were watching the burning building, we were horrified to see the second plane smashed into the second tower and although, neither of us were prepared to admit it, but we could see that plane was certainly not a ‘small’ plane and we could see there was much more to it than just an off-course plane.

So, we watched in horror and my mind went to all the people we knew over in the US. I knew someone due to visit the World Trade Centre that week. I later learned that he changed his plans at the last minute, but was originally due to visit the building that morning. It’s amazing how fate deals its cards. Another story of a distant colleague who had cancelled her dental appointment in the building that morning for a later appointment – she never got there – of course, she saw the news before she even left home.

There are many stories. I have watched too much footage, listened to too many horror stories and seen too many heartbreaking photos. Five years later, I am still not immune and every time I see the plane smash into the building, I feel terrible sadness. When I see that poor man fall from the building (‘falling man’), I wonder who will miss him. I see all those people covered in dust and wonder whether they took a small piece of someone with them.

The world is forever changed because of terrorism. I don’t always agree with the subsequent response to this event, but the one thing that remains constant is the grief and huge sense of loss we all feel on behalf and for those who lost someone. I just wish we could put it behind us, but instead, every day, we are confronted with the aftermath, with the manhunt and bloodshed, all in the name of justice. How can you move on when it’s in your face every day? Time hasn’t dulled the pain.

Idle Songs…

Filed under: Irony,Life,Sharing the Love,Skeevy — by sammers @ 9:38 pm

Hello, my name is Samantha and I’m a self-confessed Australian Idol fool.

No seriously, I’m an idiot. I know that. I accept it though. I have made my peace with it. I know that every Sunday night, I have no social life, I make sure that dinner is over and done with by the time it starts. I know that Monday morning, before any work begins, the Idol banter begins, “Who did you like?”, “Who are your top 3?” and “Who do you think will go?”. The conversation goes like this for 10 minutes before I think about switching my machine on and actually doing some work. Yeh, that’s what I am paid for!

Tonight was the first elimination. It was to be expected, but you know, I’m losing interest. It’s too formulamatic. Too predictable. Too boring. And yet, I still watch it. Foolishly, you might say!

So, who’s going to venture a guess as to who will win this year? The baldy-rock dude? The pretty centrefold boy? The opera-come-contemporary female singer? The Irish dude with the twinkle in his eye? The country chick? The little girl who is more reminiscent of a deer caught in the light of a car than a singer? The dude who reminds you of Maurice Gibb?

I promise, this will be the last time I shall discuss Idol. I am finding myself boring. I dare not re-read this entry for fear of becoming embarassed by my unashamed devotion to the idol-order.

Woe is me.

September 9, 2006

Say No

Filed under: Sharing the Love — by sammers @ 12:53 pm

Click on the title above to send you to the link I am referring to.

I think it’s a good idea. 🙂

September 7, 2006

Self Loathing…

Filed under: Health — by sammers @ 11:09 pm

Thanks everyone who commented or emailed to say they understood, or were sending words of encouragement. It is lovely of you all. And the rest of you, Phft!! 🙂

I played tennis for the first time since May 2005. It was a very bad night. I tumbled to the ground once, hurting the palms of my hands, bruising my arse and knees. I missed the ball god-knows how many times and I feel wrecked, as I sit here, with an achey back, sore neck and associated bits! Yet, I had fun and there were familiar people there, which was nice. No one judged me, and I felt a little at home. Am hoping that once we get financial, I’ll be able to get my racket restrung and regripped. That would be nice, though I am not sure that it will actually help me hit the ball.

Anyway, I am knackered. Truly knackered. I feel I will sleep well tonight. But I have a question for anyone who cares to respond. Is it bad for me to continue pushing myself, playing sport and exercising, if I have glandular, or associated symptoms? I’m still tired, regardless of what I do.

Just a thought.

September 6, 2006

What would be nice…

Filed under: Future,Health,Life Lessons — by sammers @ 9:37 pm

Is if I could get through two weeks without being sick, for no reason, thus having to take time off work, I would be a happy girl.

I woke up at 4.30am this morning with a huge migraine. This was despite taking two Mersyndol tablets the night before. By 6.30am, I realised I couldn’t go to work, so left a message to say I needed more time to sleep it off. By 10.30am, I know I wasn’t going anywhere.

I have slept all day, except to use to the toilet, heat my wheat pillow and have some lunch – lunch, which I brought back up later on in the day. Let me just say, tuna and corn pasta does not taste good second time around. Gah 😦 Having said that, when I vomitted, I slowly felt better, but honestly, do I have to constantly vomit to make myself better? It’s so unpleasant.

There are things in my life I need to change. I feel this would help me feel better and avoid this type of crap. I’ve been neglecting my health and now I am suffering.

I’m not big on resolutions, or life changing memos to commit to, but these are the things I need to change:

  • Get back to the gym, which includes getting a personal trainer.
  • Stop eating so much crap, like chocolate and coke.
  • Get back into tennis – this is solved, as I’m starting back at tennis tomorrow evening.
  • Find my tennis racquet.
  • Get out at lunchtimes, go for a walk, get fresh air.
  • Drink more water.
  • Get 8 hours sleep – I’ve been crap at maintaining a normal bedtime. I know it sounds like I am 12 again and need structure, but that’s exactly how it is.
  • Finally, get up earlier and walk the poor dog. She’s what we’ve affectionately termed, Our Big Black Barrel.

Anyway, a boring entry, but I could give a rats.

September 4, 2006

RIP Steve Irwin…

Filed under: Bah Humbug,Words Fail Me — by sammers @ 10:23 pm

Today has been one of those days.

An Australian icon: love him or hate him, Steve Irwin put Australia on the map.

He will be sadly missed.

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