It’s Only Natural

November 9, 2006

Life’s Lessons

Filed under: Blogroll,Life Lessons — by sammers @ 9:27 am

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to
ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably
more than once, and it’s harder every time. You’ll break hearts too, so
remember how it felt when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best
friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did.

You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose
someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like
you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a
minute of happiness you’ll never get back.

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when
you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the
world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his
friends. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he
cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns
to his friends and says, “that’s her…”

June 8, 2006

Write Marketing…

Filed under: Blogroll,Life,Rant — by sammers @ 5:31 pm

There aren’t many causes that I strongly believe in and support, but gay civil rights is one of them.


Because why should we, as self confessed Christians (which I was once more qualified to say than now – hello, living in sin!) pass judgement on these people? What would Christians say if gays and even non-Christian folk judged them for their religious convictions and withheld what is considered basic human right? What is the rest of said population prohibited Christians from marriage and recognised unions because of their religious beliefs?

Just a thought.

I was brought up not to judge others and in some way, it was to do with my wholesome, sheltered and somewhat rural/regional upbringing. However, I never knew to distinguish between a person whose origins were from China or from Vietnam. To date, I cannot tell. I grew up with an substantial Aboriginal population. I knew that difference, but I didn’t learn what the other differences were that others believed were there. I had Aboriginal friends, I went to school with them and in some cases, I did not realise that some of my close friends actually had ancestry within the Australian Indigenous community.

The only thing I object to is when some self-proclaimed Christians knock on my front door making me wish every time, that I owned a fully lockable front fence. I hate people who peddle their wares in my life. I have made a choice and although it’s nice to advertise, please don’t telemarket to me – I am smart enough to know where to find things if I want them.

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