It’s Only Natural

February 26, 2006

First coat of undercoat

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:09 pm

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First coat of undercoat, originally uploaded by Sams76.

This is pretty much how it is tonight. We’re about to head back over for a second coat on the far wall and to start the first coat of real paint on the other three walls. It’s going to be a long night. And, it’s also probably the last time I’ll post until about Wednesday. Glen has to organise with Telstra to connect the ADSL at the new house. This could take days, weeks, months, years. I exaggerate, but who knows when I’ll be on again.

Hopefully by the time you see this room again, it’ll look just as it should – purple in all its brilliance!

Off track, with good reason

Filed under: Uncategorized — by sammers @ 7:36 am

I haven’t been eating too well the last few days, but I have my reasons – we’re moving house and painting etc. On Friday, we had Nandos chicken and chips – not exactly WW material! Then on Saturday, we had roast chicken with chips and some niceish salad. For dinner last night, we had thai food – so I had chicken with oyster sauce and rice.

I feel like crap for it you know. I’ve had a few headaches and at one point, I honestly thought yesterday wouldn’t happen, as I woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine. Thankfully a nice sleep on the lounge, some nurofen and a real fan to cool me down were enough to give me the rest I needed. It’s just a nightmare.

Having said that, I’m getting a pretty good workout from the sanding, moving etc. So I expect that the next time I weigh in – not this week, the week after, I should have a good result. If only I can find something decent to eat.

If anyone’s interested. The progress on my house is at this place.

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